About Dr. Scoresby
The Living ChristThe Family

You are invited to join Richard & Linda Eyre, world renowned speakers and authors for an educational presentation to promote stronger families by overcoming “The Entitlement Trap.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

7:00 pm
Sheraton Red Deer Hotel
Corner of 32 Street and 50th Avenue
Red Deer, AB
All adults are invited to attend this free of charge presentation.


The Entitlement Trap
In polls among the parents of elementary and middle school kids, over half of respondents identify ENTITLEMENT as the biggest parenting challenge they face. A sense of entitlement is the polar opposite of a sense of responsibility and robs kids of initiative and motivation.

Kids’ sense of economic entitlement can be largely fixed by creating a sense of “earned ownership” that counteracts entitlement!

And once you have it working for your kids’ money and toys and clothes, you can begin to apply the same ownership principle to even more important things like their grades, their goals, their choices, and their values.
The Entitlement Trap is the product of a decade-long search for practical, workable ideas and methods for helping elementary and middle school age kids take real ownership of all aspects of their lives and thus to make parents their consultants and helpers rather than their nagging, control-taking, initiative-destroying managers.

It is already clear that The Entitlement Trap is going to be more than a book. It is becoming a movement and a cause made up of parents who want to prepare their children to thrive in this economic hurricane and who know that the only way we can save this debt-ridden and entitled country of ours is one child at a time, one family at a time!



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints