Richard and Linda Eyre are among the most popular speakers in the world on parenting and families. Their clients and audiences range from The Young President's Organization (YPO) and major corporations and associations to a wide array of school, civic, church and community groups. They find it remarkable and gratifying that in every one of the 45 countries where they have presented, parents have similar hopes, dreams and worries about their children regardless of economic, religious, geographic and cultural differences.
They are authors of numerous work/family balance and parenting books, one of which, Teaching Your Children Values became the first parenting book in fifty years (since Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care) to reach #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. The Eyres two latest books are 5 Spiritual Solutions for Parents and The Entitlement Trap, How to Rescue Your Child with a New Family System of Choosing, Earning, and Ownership.
The Eyres have appeared on many national network shows including Oprah, The Today Show, Prime Time Live, 60 Minutes, Good Morning America and once did regular segments on the CBS Early Show. Their parenting website provides ideas, guidance and creative programs for families throughout the world.
But their most important production is their nine children ("one of every kind") who, through the years, have helped formulate their ideas for books and speeches. The second generation Eyres are an impressive bunch, all with university degrees from the likes of Wellesley, Harvard, Columbia and BYU and all having interrupted their university education to spend two years living abroad, studying, doing missionary work and providing humanitarian service. They are also doing their part to expand the importance of family through their own speaking, books, blogs and websites. So far 23 grandchildren have been added to the Eyre's treasury! The family's favorite projects are humanitarian expeditions to places like Ethiopia, Kenya, Bolivia, India and Mexico, and their Eyrealm Foundation focuses on strengthening third world families.
Richard is a Harvard MBA, president of his own management consulting company. He was a mission president for his church in London and a former director of the White House Conference on Parents and Children as well as a candidate for Governor. (Linda is so glad he didn't win!) Linda is a teacher, musician and co-founder of International, an in-home, do-it-yourself co-op and program for teaching preschoolers the joys of life.
The Eyres' books include:
• 5 Spiritual Solutions for Parents
(Feb. 2011)
• The Entitlement Trap (Sept. 2011)
• A Mother's Book of Secrets
• The Happy Family
• How to Talk to Your Child About Sex
• Teaching Your Children Values
• 3 Steps to a Strong Family
• I Didn't Plan to be a Witch
• Teaching Your Children Responsibility
• Empty Nest Parenting
• Lifebalance
• The Book of Nurturing
• Teaching Your Children Sensitivity
• Teaching Your Children Joy
• Stewardship of the Heart
• Spiritual Serendipity
• The Awakening (a novel)
• Alexander's Amazing Adventures |